These important, freshly excavated artifacts will be of immense interest to those who are researching the early Polynesian migrations into Eastern Polynesia.
Serrated Pearl-shell Disk, 452-312-PSD, ATIAHARA #3
(click on the image to see an enlarged scan)
Trolling-lure Point (pearl-shell), 452-312-TLP, ATIAHARA #3
see Sled Typee comparative diagram
Bone Tattooing Needle, 452-312-TNB-2, ATIAHARA #3
see also a Needle from ATIAHARA #4
Double Notched Pearl-shell Fishhook, 452-312-PSH-1f, ATIAHARA #3
the very tight bend of this fragment strongly suggests that this rare (one only) example derives from an Acute Recurved Point hook.
Drilled Porpoise Tooth Pendant, 452-312-PDT-3, ATIAHARA #3
compare this with Moa Hunter examples from the Wairau Bar burials, R. Duff 1956, The Moa-Hunter Period of the Maori Culture, Plate 23.
Small Pearl-shell Fishhook, 452-312-PSH-1/99, ATIAHARA #3
this thumbnail image is the true size of this delicate specimen.
Large Tattooing Needle Blank (bone), 452-312-TNB-4, ATIAHARA #3 
Two more Blanks!, 452-312-TNB-5 and 452-312-TNB-6

Large Pearl-shell Fishhook (shank fragment), 452-312-PSH-4f-99, ATIAHARA #3 
Right at the bottom, an old Terebra-shell Chisel, 452-312-TSC-2, ATIAHARA #3 
Large unfinished Adze, Type 4A, 452-312-4Aa-1f
compare it
with this, a finished example.
Round Hammerstone, 452-312-HSB-2 , ATIAHARA #3
found close to the 4A Adze above, shown in a cutting wedge down position
Another Small Pearl-shell Fishhook, 452-312-PSH-3/99, ATIAHARA #3
this thumbnail image shows this hook at it's actual size
Sea Urchin Spine Abraider, 452-312-USA, ATIAHARA #3
Assorted Fishhooks and Fragments
or for those studying line attachment devices, the same hooks enlarged, (116K)
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